Wednesday 1 April 2015

Impact & Strict Diet Dangers

Impact & Strict Diet Dangers
Dr Rochelle Skin Expert

Diet Dangers, Risks Poor Diet, & Impact Dr Rochelle Skin Expert Strict Diet - For those who are obese could certainly intend to be back slim.
These factors trap to be a trend in the world of modeling. Coupled together with the support of lean body lifestyle trend is sexy that not a few of them who have a body "Ideal" but because of the demands of the profession and the influence of lifestyle so that they as well as the start since applying a strict diet,
whereas the language of strict dieat was extremely big.
The latest information is that scientists have discovered that people who are exceeded strict diet to create it malnutrition, creating brain cells "eat" his own. Against the same time, hunger is not just going to add a good state of brain cells. This aspect is due to the fact that brain cells do not receive the nutrients that bad.
According to that study conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, since the brain cells begin to eat her own for bringing the benefits of available energy sources that last. This process is called autophagy, and it leads to low internal components of cells. So who quoted from Genius Beauty, (2011).
The data obtained from experiments on rats that are given food. Finally indicate that if the process of autophagy is blocked, hunger would not intensify the process of dieting. Chemical changes in the brain of mice led to the fact that the animals lose weight in a significant way, not to feel hungry.
Researchers believe that this discovery will make one effective therapy which is intended for weight loss. Which is a sample, the possibilities for developing specific drugs that must be taken while dieting. And appetite will be controlled by the chemical effect on the brain cells.
Scientists have found that people who constantly diet, ranging from "eating" the brain cells themselves. The same time, hunger can only worsen the condition. Subject is due to the fact that the cells do not receive the nutrients that pass. That information about "Diet Dangers, Risks Not Good Diet, & Impact Strict Diet".

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