Wednesday 22 April 2015

Trick Eliminate Acne on Scalp

Trick Eliminate Acne on Scalp

The problem of the scalp plainly not only dandruff, but also acne. Although not interfere with the display, acne on the head is quite troubling. Head can hurt when the hair combed, though by slowly.
Acne on this head is not little affects men than women. "Because ordinary men take advantage of hair oil or not infrequently called pamode," said dermatologist, Dr. Ratna Komala Dewi SpKK Kes.
Acne on the average scalp caused because that slum and greasy hair. Average acne will appear to those who rarely take advantage of the oil after shampooing hair. Want to know tips to remove acne on your head?

1. Clean the scalp
Dr. Ratna advise For staying clean the scalp, especially after traveling. Clean all sectors together wash head home after work. Clean the scalp that can be spared from the bacteria that cause acne.
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2. Reduce the use of hair oil
If the scalp has since started spotty, should reduce the use of hair oil. Existing chemicals to oil capable of triggering the production of oil glands that excess. This aspect was not able to create a little more acne.

3. Choose a shampoo that fits
Not entirely compatible in shampoo skin you. First identify the category of the scalp you, whether oily or not. We recommend that you use a shampoo that contains salicylic acid together efficacy lift dead skin cells.

4. Avoid oily foods
With the exception of maintaining the cleanliness of the outside, you also need to keep the intake of food from the inside. Avoid foods containing not less oil so that the oil content in the scalp is not more not less.

5. Consult a doctor
If the state of scalp acne is getting worse, it helps you simultaneously consult with a dermatologist. According to Dr. Ratna, there are two drugs that can be given by a physician, is a topical medications and drugs For drunk. "During this treatment is always a success," he explained.

Acne healing process was not running with an instant way. You must be patient and consistently keep the cleanliness of the scalp until the acne is gone.

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